Marken- & Patentrecht
Competition and Patent Law in the Pharmaceutical Sector
Competition and Patent Law in the...

Pitruzzella / Muscolo

Concise European Data Protection, E-Commerce and IT Law
Concise European Data Protection, E-Commerce...

Gijrath / van der Hof / Lodder / Zwenne

Concise European Design Law
Concise European Design Law

Concise European Patent Law
Concise European Patent Law

Hacon / Pagenberg

Concise European Trade Mark and Design Law
Concise European Trade Mark and Design Law

Gielen / von Bomhard

Concise European Trademark Law
Concise European Trademark Law

von Bomhard / von Mühlendahl

Concise International and European IP Law
Concise International and European IP Law

Cottier / Véron


Andrew Rudge

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