Marken- & Patentrecht
Governing Intellectual Property Rights Within Publicly Funded Biobanks
Governing Intellectual Property Rights Within...

R. Neethu

Guide to EU and UK Pharmaceutical Regulatory Law
Guide to EU and UK Pharmaceutical Regulatory Law

Sally Shorthose

Guide to the GDPR
Guide to the GDPR

Maciej Gawronski

Handbook of Blockchain Law
Handbook of Blockchain Law

Artzt / Richter

Imposing Data Sharing among Private Actors
Imposing Data Sharing among Private Actors

Thomas Tombal

Improving Privacy Protection in the Area of Behavioural Targeting
Improving Privacy Protection in the Area of...

Frederik J. Zuiderveen Borgesius

Industrial Design Rights
Industrial Design Rights

Brian W. Gray

Intellectual Property and Biodiversity
Intellectual Property and Biodiversity

Michelangelo Temmerman

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