Zu "the" wurden 7 Artikel gefunden!

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A-Book A-Book

Harrie Marsman

How to draft claims and the introductory part of a European patent application and pass paper A of the European Qualifying Examination. This English-language book is intended for trainee patent attorneys to prepare and train them for...
D-Book D-Book

Andrew Rudge

How to answer legal questions, draft legal opinions and pass Paper D of the European Qualifying Examination. The D-Book has been prepared with the intention of offering advice and support for candidates preparing for and sitting the...
The European Patent Convention and Proceedings before the European Patent Office (EPC 2000) The European Patent Convention and Proceedings...

Tobias Bremi

Ein Verständnis der Prinzipien des Europäischen Patentsystems und seiner wesentlichen Verfahrenselemente ist unabdingbar für eine erfolgreiche Patentverfolgung für Europa. Das vorliegende Werk ist eine Einführung und Vertiefung...
PCT in Practice PCT in Practice

Ole Trinks

Many recent changes in the PCT are making it an increasingly more attractive option for applicants looking to protect inventions by means of international (PCT) applications. Still a great advantage of the PCT is that applicants are...
C-Book C-Book

Chandler / Meinders

This book is a practical guide for candidates on how to tackle the opposition paper C of the European Qualifying Examination (EQE), one of the more difficult papers judging by the overall results. It also provides qualified European...
Personalised medicine as a challenge for patent law (HSP 17) Personalised medicine as a challenge for patent...

Inesa Fausch

This book is a practical guide for lawyers, public servants, medical doctors, scientists, researchers and everyone interested in personalised medicine field, who are seeking a first point of reference; to identify patent protection for...
International Space 'Soft' Law (SLW 46) International Space 'Soft' Law (SLW 46)

Youngkyu Kim

This book deals with issues of soft law in the context of international space law. It is the result of ensuing years of research. It is not the purpose of this book to provide a complete collection of soft law instruments in...